Behold! A Background!

With the core gameplay and kinks from moving to browsers all ironed out, I've started working on presentation! There's a new cover image, which took me all day to get working: it was supposed to be a quick little hour-long warm-up!

The spinning rays for the cover looked so nice that I tried putting them in the game proper, slowing them down significantly to prevent eye strain or confusion, and it worked better than I thought it would. I want to have some other backgrounds later, but this is more than fine for now.

Speaking of backgrounds: I was leaving a whole mess of unused assets and scenes in the project (wallpapers as placeholders for my background-cycling code). Turns out having a bunch of scenes and assets you don't use lying around will bloat your export size. The project's ZIP file went from 19.2 MiB down to 5.4 MiB! Lesson learned, eh.

Files Play in browser
Mar 09, 2021

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